Marina Martial Arts

If this year has taught us anything, it is that there are things that happen that we cannot control. What we have learned is that how we respond and handle them is ultimately in our control. We all have daily habits and routines. If we want to change our trajectory we can evaluate them and see if they are supportive of what we want out of life? Be a Victor, not a Victim. Take control and design your life with in...
June 16, 2021

Marina Martial Arts

A big Thank You to our student, Amaya for drawing this awesome picture for our instructors We love seeing our students engaged and excited about martial arts! It was however, tough to get our instructors serious for a picture after a long day of teaching. ????​275391876197/​posts/​10158204124851198/​
June 12, 2021

Marina Martial Arts

Congratulations to our latest Black Belt graduating class! They overcame huge obstacles to achieve their goal. They were slated to test in May of 2020 but their test was indefinitely postponed by Covid. They battled back for a year taking classes and private lessons via live-stream until they were able to train in person outdoors. Their dedication and tenacity payed off in an exciting day and and excellent perform...
June 8, 2021

Marina Martial Arts

Did you miss the Bedtime Story last week? No worries! You can access the recording and watch it tonight!​NWVq3OrKCsI​275391876197/​posts/​10158183852751198/​
June 7, 2021

Marina Martial Arts

You can change your path! We're so excited to be coaching our good friend and fellow black belt Dan Boyle. Here's his story.... 90 days ago: I was 302 lbs I was on blood pressure meds I was sleeping poorly I was stressed out I was frustrated by many things Today: I weigh 238 lbs I am off blood pressure meds I sleep 7.5 hours a day My stress is greatly reduced I don’t let outside influences determine my dir...
June 6, 2021

Marina Martial Arts

Do you need a Health Coach? What the heck does a Health Coach do?! Being healthy is not just about your activity level. It is a whole package that encompasses your nutrition--what you feed your body and what you feed you mind! We are guides that help people achieve a higher level of health in their lives. We awaken potential by asking good questions- We know this will work best only when you become intrinsical...
June 2, 2021

Marina Martial Arts

Don't miss the last Zoom Bedtime Story before summer! TOMORROW, Tuesday, May 25th at 7:30PM. Join us in your pijams ready for bed. Our instructors will be reading more of your favorite picture books. After we are done reading we will randomly draw names of two attendees to win the books for their library at home. Use the same Zoom Link and Meeting ID that you use for class.
May 24, 2021

Steven Mindel

Great night Cooking with our Friends in the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers for a new Fellows Networking Event. Professional Chef and fellow Marina Martial Arts Black Belt, Nir Dagan and I taught a cooking class on Memorial Day Favorites including (1) grilled lamb chops marinated with Colavita olive oil (thank you Paolo Colavita), horseradish, crushed garlic, mesquite, rosemary, salt and pepper (2) apple ...
May 20, 2021

Marina Martial Arts

Don't Miss the Zoom Bedtime Story next week on TUESDAY, May 25th at 7:30PM. Join us in your pijams ready for bed. Our instructors will be reading more of your favorite picture books. After we are done reading we will randomly draw names of two attendees to win the books for their library at home. Use the same Link and Meeting ID that you use for class.​275391876197/​posts/​10158150217001198/​
May 20, 2021

Steven Mindel

Congratulations to the latest Black Belt Class at Marina Martial Arts. It was an honor to serve as a Judge in our most recent test. The Teaching Staff did an outstanding job coaching these 5 Black Belt Candidates through what has to be one of the most unusual Black Belt Tests that I have had the opportunity to judge. The Black Belt Test is a difficult exercise under normal conditions, but to work outside with m...
May 20, 2021